Template:Item infobox/doc

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  • Everything is optional.
  • You can add a "name," "image," "imagefemale," and "imagebreak." Fill these values if the ROOTPAGENAME macro is not adequate (if the page name has a disambig qualifier for example)
{{item infobox
| boxwidth width of infobox; default = 21em or stretches to image width
| float default is right
| css / style css style for infobox box, if width:xx or float:xx included it will override boxwidth= or float=.
| name custom item name; default = page name
| namesub custom item name, displays below name
| image inventory image; default = name.png (also used for sets)
| imagefemale female equipped variant; default = name female.png
| imageplaced placed image; default = name (placed).gif; if no GIF exists, default = name (placed).png
| imageequipped equipped image; default = name (equipped).gif; if no GIF exists, default = name (equipped).png
| imagebreak if yes, placed/equipped image is pushed to a new line below the inventory image; default = no
| instrument brass, percussion, string, wind
| type eg. Weapon, Tool, Furniture, etc.
| type2 secondary type; =Set for armor and vanity sets
| damage damage inflicted per hit
| damageraw deprecated; use "data-sort-type=number" in Damage column header instead;

(was used if damage had icons and/or formatting, to give an unformatted number for use in sorting lists)

| damagetype melee, ranged, magic, radiant, symphonic, summon or true
| auto yes, if weapon/item autoswings/autofires by holding the use key/button
| defense defense provided
| bonus
| setbonus for armor sets, where type2 = Set
| pick pickaxe power, without "%"
| pickreq required pickaxe power, without "%"
| axe axe power, without "%"
| hammer hammer power, without "%"
| bait bait power, without "%"
| knockback knockback inflicted per hit, if more than one value needed, you should wrap the values with {{kb}}, e.g. {{kb|7.5}}/{{kb|6}}
| consumable yes: leaves player's inventory with Use / Attack, for placeable items use 'placeable' parameter instead
| placeable yes/no
| width width when placed, tiles
| height height when placed, in tiles
| inspiration inspiration cost per use
| mana mana cost per use
| mregen mana regeneration
| mheal mana heal
| life health (life) cost per use
| lregen health regeneration
| hheal health heal
| tooltip Tooltip
| velocity
| critical if no value is entered and the main Type is "Weapon", a default value of 4% is displayed
| body slot
| use use time
| reach reach in tiles, for yoyos
| attduration attack duration in seconds, for yoyos
| toolspeed
| tool tool used to free this item if in its placed form (this field is somewhat deprecated)
| buff / buff2 buff provided
| bufflink / bufflink2 no: when buff doesn't have it's own page
| duration / duration2 buff duration
| bufftip / bufftip2 buff tooltip
| debuff / debuff2 debuff provided
| debufflink / debufflink2 no: when debuff doesn't have it's own page
| debuffduration / debuffduration2 debuff duration
| debufftip / debufftip2 debuff tooltip
| stack max quantity of this item that can be stacked in a single inventory slot; defaults to 1 for all items
| rare rarity value, eg. '1' for Blue, '2' for Green, 'd' for Teal (donator), 'q' for Amber (quest), 'rainbow' for expert-exclusive.
| buy buy value in coins, enter using coin templates ({{cc}}, {{sc}}, {{gc}}, {{pc}})

Placing // within either the sell value or buy value will return separate lines for Buy and Sell.

| sell sell value in coins, also enter using coin templates
| research research value used in Journey Mode, default = 1, set to 0 for items with no research value
| listcat a supplemental category name to include the current item in a DPL list, eg. "arrows" causes the item to display at Arrows
| listcat2 ... listcat5 identical to listcat: an additional supplemental category name
| listexclude yes, to exclude the current template from DPL lists
| hardmode yes, for items that only become available in Hardmode worlds